
Moving West Lafayette Forward

About WLMoves

With its beautiful parks and scenic trails, West Lafayette is a community committed to continuous improvement. Our construction projects play a crucial role in enhancing public spaces and infrastructure, benefiting everyone. We appreciate your patience as we work towards a brighter future for our community.

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WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The Cherry Lane Multi-Use Trail project is scheduled to be completed and opened at the end of August …

Fast Facts

Biking icon

26,000 feet

of new trails for pedestrians and cyclists

Park Icon

178 trees

planted to help retain stormwater, clean the air, and combat climate change

Trail lcon

3 improved pedestrian crossings

along Salisbury Street to enhance safety

Walking icon

30 minutes a day

of moving improves overall mental health and wellbeing, so multimodal trail access moves the health of West Lafayette residents in the right direction

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(765) 775-5160